
Interviewing 101: Dos and Don’ts

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Prescreening, Uncategorized

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie to the hiring game, mastering the art of interviewing is the key to finding your next superstar employee. But fear not! In this guide, we’ll walk through the dos and don’ts of interviewing, sharing some practical tips and tricks to help you make the most of every interaction.

Prepare thoroughly by taking the time to review resumes, craft tailored questions, and familiarize yourself with the job description. Trust me, a little prep goes a long way!

Dos of Interviewing

Picture this: You walk into an in-person interview, and you’re greeted with a warm smile and a friendly handshake. Instantly, you feel at ease, ready to tackle whatever questions come your way. That’s the power of creating a welcoming atmosphere. Don’t underestimate the importance of greeting candidates warmly and providing clear directions to the interview room, whether virtual or brick and mortar. It sets the tone for a positive experience for everyone involved.

When it comes to interviewing, it’s all about sparking meaningful conversations. That’s where open-ended questions come in. Instead of asking yes or no questions, try to prompt candidates to share their experiences and insights. You’ll uncover a treasure trove of information that goes beyond what’s written on their resume.

Here’s a little secret: The best interviews are conversations, not interrogations. So what’s the key to a great conversation? Active listening. When candidates speak, listen—not just with your ears, but with your whole being. Maintain eye contact, nod along, and paraphrase their responses to show that you’re truly engaged.

Ever been in an interview where you left with more questions than answers? Yeah, not fun. It’s essential to keep candidates in the loop every step of the way. From explaining the role and company culture to outlining the next steps in the hiring process or when they start; transparency is key. Candidates appreciate knowing what to expect—it makes the whole experience a lot less stressful for everyone involved and will reduce the chances that a candidate ghosts you.

Don’ts of Interviewing

Don’t wing it: In my early days of interviewing, I may have been guilty of winging it once or twice. Spoiler alert: It didn’t end well. Without a solid plan in place, interviews can quickly veer off track, leaving both you and the candidate feeling lost. So take the time to prepare—a little effort upfront can save you a whole lot of headaches down the line.

Bias is the enemy of fair and objective hiring. Unfortunately, it sneaks up on the best of us. Steer clear of biased questions that may inadvertently discriminate against candidates based on their background or characteristics. Instead, focus on gathering relevant information that’s truly indicative of their skills and qualifications. 

Don’t do all the talking. Remember, interviews are a two-way street. Candidates want to share their experiences and insights, so give them the space to do so. They are interviewing us just as much as we are interviewing them. Avoid interrupting or dominating the conversation—instead, let it flow naturally, and you’ll be amazed at what you uncover.

When it comes to interviewing, there are some topics that are strictly off-limits. Refrain from asking about a candidate’s age, marital status, or religious beliefs. It’s illegal and inappropriate. So be mindful of the questions you ask and focus on gathering relevant information that’s directly related to the job being offered. Be aware of EEOC Guidelines when it comes to interviewing to be better prepared in understanding what you can and can’t ask a candidate while avoiding potential bias.

Time flies when you’re having fun, right? Well… when it comes to interviews, it’s essential to respect a candidate’s time. So be mindful of the time, stick to your agenda, and remember—quality over quantity, always.

And there you have it, you’re ready for your interview. Remember—interviewing is as much an art as it is a science. Happy hiring!

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