
Oops! Don’t Make These Mistakes in Your Phone Screen

by | Jun 26, 2024 | Prescreening, Uncategorized

Before you dive into your next phone screen, there are a few common mistakes you’ll want to avoid. Today, we’ll walk through some ‘oops!’ moments that can trip you up during phone screens and how to steer clear of them.

You know that feeling you get when you’re about to hop on a call with a candidate, and you realize you haven’t even glanced at their resume? Yeah, not a great look. Trust me, I’ve been there. Skipping the prep work might seem harmless, but it can throw off the entire conversation. Take a few minutes to review the candidate’s background and jot down some relevant questions—it’ll make all the difference.

Building rapport might not seem like a big deal, but it sets the tone for the entire conversation. So next time, take a moment to introduce yourself, ask how the candidate’s day is going, maybe even crack a joke or two. It’ll make the conversation flow much more smoothly.

Okay, confession time: I used to ask questions that were so loaded they practically gave away the answer. Not exactly fair (to either of us), right? Asking leading or biased questions can skew candidates’ responses and give you a false impression of their qualifications. So instead, try framing your questions in a neutral, open-ended way. You’ll get much more honest—and useful—answers.

Remember, the phone screen is your chance to learn about the candidate, not the other way around. So make sure to give them plenty of space to share their experiences and insights. You might be surprised by what you learn.

Now, what about red flags? Ah, red flags—the little warning signs that pop up during a phone screen and make you go, “Hmm, something doesn’t seem quite right.” It’s tempting to brush them off and give the candidate the benefit of the doubt, but trust me, that rarely ends well. If something feels off during the conversation, don’t ignore it. Instead, dig a little deeper, ask some follow-up questions, and see if you can get to the bottom of it. You’ll thank yourself later.

Keep in mind that rushing through the process rarely ends well. It’s better to take your time, ask thoughtful questions, and really get to know the candidate. After all, this is someone you could be working with for a long time. So slow down, take a deep breath, and give the conversation the time and attention it deserves.

So.. you’ve wrapped up the phone screen, said your goodbyes, and…crickets. Sound familiar? Failing to follow up with candidates after a phone screen is a missed opportunity—and a massive no-no in my book. Whether it’s sending a quick thank-you email or scheduling the next steps in the hiring process, a little communication goes a long way. It shows candidates that you value their time and effort, but more importantly it keeps the momentum going. So don’t be shy—hit that send button and keep the conversation going.

And there you have it, folks—the top “oops!” moments to avoid in your phone screens. So next time you pick up the phone to chat with a candidate, keep these tips in mind. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later. Happy hiring!

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