
The Power of AI: Writing Job Ads Part 1

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Hiring Tips | 0 comments

By: Kellie Lail

Artificial Intelligence is taking the world by storm. With easily accessible tools like ChatGPT or Bard, you can easily create content, come up with new solutions, and get questions answered in a matter of seconds… if you know how to use it. But what about writing job ads?

One of the biggest challenges Insurance Agents run into while hiring is finding enough time to effectively manage the hiring process. From crafting compelling job ads to connecting with potential candidates, time constraints can make hiring a complex task. That’s why many of us are constantly seeking ways to streamline the process and save time. So why not use AI to quickly generate job ad content?

There are definitely pros and cons to using AI, not only for writing job ads, but in any capacity. Let’s break it down for job ads:


  • Efficiency: AI-powered systems can generate job ads quickly and efficiently, saving time and effort for hiring teams.
  • Consistency: AI can ensure consistency in language, tone, and style across multiple job ads, presenting a unified brand image to candidates.
  • Optimization: AI algorithms can analyze and optimize job ads based on data and performance metrics, improving the effectiveness of ads in attracting qualified candidates.
  • Language Enhancement: AI can help identify and eliminate biased or exclusionary language in job ads, promoting diversity and inclusivity.
  • Personalization: AI can tailor job ads to specific target audiences, considering factors such as location, demographics, or industry preferences.


  • Lack of Human Touch: AI-generated job ads may lack the human touch and personalization that can resonate with candidates on an emotional level.
  • Limited Creativity: AI systems may struggle with creative and unconventional job descriptions that require a unique approach to attract candidates.
  • Unintentional Bias: AI algorithms can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the training data, leading to discriminatory or exclusionary language in job ads.
  • Inflexibility: AI-generated job ads might not adapt well to evolving trends or sudden changes in job requirements, which could result in outdated or irrelevant content.
  • Candidate Skepticism: Some candidates may have reservations about the authenticity and transparency of AI-generated job ads, perceiving them as impersonal or lacking credibility.

As you can see, there are risks to using AI to create job ads, especially if you’re just asking for a basic ad and pasting it into your account to post to the boards. When using AI to write job ads, you want to ensure you are prompting the technology to be as specific as possible and you should always be taking a second look at the ads before posting to add your own tone, voice, and personality to the job.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that AI systems may not always be up to date on the policies and guidelines of the job boards. This could result in unintentional deviations from or violations of current guidelines or even local or state laws. These violations or oversights could result in lowered visibility for your job and persistent job board violations could have a long-term impact on your posting ability. 

The main roadblock in using AI technologies to write job ads is that your Job Description may not be accurate if you are not prompting the tool correctly. The technology is not aware of things like your company culture or what makes you unique as an employer if you are not providing it with this information. You should be providing as much information as possible about your business, what the position title is, and a few things that the employee will be expected to focus on each day to ensure the job ad is as accurate as possible.

The more specifically you prompt the AI, the better chances are that you get a better template for your ad, but regardless, always keep in mind that you are responsible for the content of your ad, including if there is material included that is a violation of EEOC laws or job board guidelines. These violations can result in visibility issues on the boards in the long term, so you should always be taking the time to understand the guidelines and read through your ad to ensure it aligns with these guidelines before posting.

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