
Managing Someone with Low Persuasiveness/Convincing

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Hiring Tips, Prescreening | 0 comments

By Mara Miller

The best managers know what it takes to keep their employees motivated and engaged. The IdealTraits assessments assist in understanding a person’s personality traits. By understanding the people they are managing, they can create a positive and productive environment at work.

What is Persuasiveness/Convincing?

In the performance index in the IdealTraits assessments, there is a row labeled “Persuasiveness/Convincing.” This row measures how someone relates to or works with people, determines how they build relationships with others, evaluates how someone can influence those around them, assesses how talkative they are, and gauges their level of optimism.

Described as “the supporter,” individuals with low Persuasiveness/Convincing are supportive of other people and their goals. They are reserved in large groups, around people they do not know, and in unfamiliar surroundings. Others may view them as shy, too serious-minded, or even unapproachable.

Low Persuasiveness/Convincing Personality Traits

Positive Traits / Strengths:

A person with low Persuasiveness/Convincing personality traits can be a valuable resource in the workplace because they try to build meaningful relationships with the people closest to them. When others are in a tough spot this person provides moral support and a calm presence to help them get through it. They tend to be more independent and are often analytical thinkers who are observant and attentive. They enjoy meaningful conversations with others, but also enjoy their solitude. They are focused on supporting the goals of others while maintaining their privacy, unlike individuals with high Persuasiveness/Convincing who prefer the limelight.

Growth Areas / Areas that Need Support:

Individuals with low Persuasiveness/Convincing personality traits try to avoid situations where they feel uncomfortable. They are often withdrawn in public settings or meeting new people. Aggressive people and confrontational situations make them feel intimidated. They may struggle with speaking up. They may avoid making decisions if it means it could lead to disapproval from others. Although supportive, they can be pessimistic, judgmental, and suspicious of others and their motives, especially if they view others as uncaring, rude, or not taking things seriously. However, others may not notice how they feel because they try not to display or voice their emotions or opinions.

Motivated By:

They are motivated by collaborating alongside those they know and trust behind the scenes. They want to work in an environment where they can provide unbiased contributions based on logic and concrete results. Sharing this skill with others is important to them and makes them feel they are benefiting those around them. However, they do not need the recognition or demand to be viewed as an expert.


An individual with low Persuasiveness/Convincing personality traits enjoys working with a small group of people behind the scenes. They become stressed in large groups and when they are required to meet new people constantly. They do not want to socialize or participate in exhausting interactions with people they do not know well, or be in charge of deadlines and holding a large group accountable. These situations are emotionally energy-draining and take them too far out of their comfort zone.

Ideal Environment:

Their ideal environment would be to work and associate with people they know and trust. They want to collaborate with a team that catches onto concepts quickly and there would not be a need to repeat themselves. Although they like recognition for their contributions, they do not need to be in the spotlight to be supportive.


When communicating with an individual with low Persuasiveness/Convincing, remember that the conversations should be in a warm and friendly tone. Stick to business topics as opposed to personal discussions. Remote work meetings are preferred as opposed to in-person unless necessary. Provide agendas. Emails should be neutral and focused on business matters, such as tasks and goals. Feedback should be presented thoughtfully, with empathy, and without bias.

Benefits to a team:

They benefit their team by supporting and helping them achieve their goals and providing a calm presence in stressful situations. They build trusting relationships by listening, showing empathy, and providing logical data.


An individual with low Persuasiveness/Convincing may be afraid of making decisions if they believe others may disapprove. They fear the inability to avoid intimidating situations or people. Approaching others they do not know or know well may cause anxiety. On top of this situation, it means another fear: being pulled out of their shell and comfort zone. They may experience feelings of distress, stress, and discomfort. In addition to those fears, untrue or unproven data others ask them to accept makes them uneasy.

Management Tips:

Consider the management tips below when managing someone with low Persuasiveness/Convincing.

  • If assessing them for an outbound sales position, they might not spend time with the “get to know you” part of the client conversation, instead focusing on getting down to business. They may be hesitant to speak to them if they do not know them or if a relationship is not established, which means getting “personal” or having small talk with that other person will probably not happen or will sound forced. It is recommended to check their Motivation/Drive for 60 and above. The high Motivation/Drive mean they will be goal oriented. However, they will not spend as much time on building customer relationships. Consider providing them with coaching and training on customer relationship skills.
  • They may struggle with small talk or chatting with others, especially in a large group or with someone they do not know, such as a new client. Remind them of the importance of relationship-building. Consider roleplaying and training on icebreakers/conversation openers.
  • They work best in an environment where the information, product, etc. is true, logical, and proven. Encourage them to ask questions and provide answers to give them peace of mind. Consider providing resources they can access if needed to answer questions as well. If not provided, it can be perceived as being ignored, not supported, or dishonest by others. This can lead to low morale, lack of support for their team, and absenteeism.
  • They may struggle with the concept of believing something they cannot prove with tangible facts. Example: Telling them following a sales script will bring in sales, but not providing them “proof” of the success may be met with suspicion and pessimism. It could also cause a serious case of “call reluctance”. To provide them the “proof”, provide sales calls to listen to, answer their questions, role-play, etc. To put it simply, you will need to “overcome the objection” they are giving.
  • They may need to be reminded to quicken their pace if they are slowing down others and to practice patience if others seem to be going too fast in their work or not taking it seriously. Let them know it is ok to walk away for a quick break if they start to feel frustrated.
  • They may not speak up when needed due to feeling it may cause a confrontational situation. Encourage them to share their opinions and feelings, even if it is privately.
  • Consider providing goals and expectations from the beginning. Discuss a career path with them. Keep them accountable when they fall short and give them praise and recognition when they come through.
  • Consider providing training, coaching, roleplaying, and resources to give them the best chance for success.

Combination of Personality Traits:

Everyone has a blend of personality traits. Below are examples of how low Persuasiveness/Convincing can be affected when combined with other personality traits.

High Motivation/Drive & low Persuasiveness/Convincing: Direct and assertive with little interest in personal matters. Take an objective, analytical view, and go after goals relentlessly to see results. Willing to compromise quality or detail to get them.

High Structure/Routine & low Persuasiveness/Convincing: Need to carefully plan their words and actions. They do not act on impulse. Deadlines and other time constraints can be hard for them to handle. However, they are reliable.

High Thorough/Compliant & low Persuasiveness/Convincing: Hate making mistakes and will go back over their work repeatedly. They may correct others’ errors, even if they have not been asked to do so. Not willing to take risks unless it is necessary. Cautious in their communication, revealing only what is necessary or asked of them.

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