IdealCharities – Be the Match

IdealCharities – Be the Match

By Kellie Lail IdealCharities is an IdealTraits employee-driven charitable fund, used to support charities and organizations important to our employees. Participating employees vote on a charity to support each quarter of the year. Be the Match was suggested to the...
Managing Someone with High Structure/Routine

Managing Someone with High Structure/Routine

By Mara Miller When it comes to your team’s success, your role as their manager is vital. Business goals, priorities, training, communication, and understanding of each individual’s different personalities all play a part in creating a solid team. To make that...
What is Salary Transparency and Why is it So Important?

What is Salary Transparency and Why is it So Important?

By Eric Waldowski Not sure how to advertise your pay plan? Candidates are looking to compare opportunities while scrolling the job boards now more than ever. Make sure the right candidate takes the time to read and potentially apply to your ad. Indeed, among other job...
Utilizing the Assessment to Baseline Your Staff

Utilizing the Assessment to Baseline Your Staff

By Kellie Lail So you’re looking to add a new member to your team. That’s great! But how are you going to utilize the IdealTraits assessment to ensure that you are picking the best fit for your agency? First, you have to decide what you’re looking...
Improving My Ad’s Quality

Improving My Ad’s Quality

By Kellie Lail Between the current state of unemployment and the competitive hiring market, you want to make sure you are doing everything you can to have the most successful hiring experience possible. There are many factors that go into hiring including making sure...
Advertising Work From Home Flexible Jobs

Advertising Work From Home Flexible Jobs

By Kellie Lail Remote work – it’s all the rage these days, but what if you’re okay with your employees working from home every now and then, but aren’t ready to let them work fully remote? Since the beginning of the pandemic, work from home...