
7 Tips for Remote Training

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Hiring Tips | 0 comments

By Katie Thornsberry

As the pandemic is winding down (..hopefully) many companies have come to realize the benefits of remote/flexible scheduling, and are embracing this change as part of their company culture. Also, having a choice of work environment and location is now a key factor for many job seekers when searching for a better work-life balance, and evaluating new career opportunities.

If you have never hired a remote employee before, it can be a bit overwhelming wondering where to start or if it’s right for you. You may be lost on how you’re going to train them and get them accustomed to your work culture.

Here are some tips that can ease some of that worry and make it an easier transition:


  1. Virtual Meetings

    Zoom, Ringcentral, Skype or any other video conferencing tool is a must. Since you aren’t communicating face to face, it’s the best way for them to meet and form a relationship with coworkers. Any training they need to work one-on-one with someone, this is a great way they can interact and ask questions when they need to.


  2. Monitor phone calls

    If you’re hiring for a role that requires someone to be on the phone for a good portion of their day, you’ll want to make sure they’re being coached and guided in the right direction. Many virtual phone systems let you monitor live calls, which can be a great way to take notes and deliver feedback almost instantly.


  3. Team Check-Ins

    Not having all of your staff face-to-face can affect the camaraderie between coworkers. Scheduling team check-ins, and even a virtual break for small talk, can help them build relationships with their team members and fit into your culture.


  4. Lay out their daily schedule

    You don’t want to micromanage a new employee just because they aren’t physically in your office, but you can give them a set schedule of what they need to be doing all throughout the day. This will help them structure their work day and you can lay out their training schedule how you see fit.


  5. Ensure they are connected to ethernet

    Wifi can be spotty and unpredictable. Either providing your new employee with an ethernet cord, or reimbursing them, can ensure their connection at home won’t be an issue.


  6. Set SMART goals that you can easily track

    This is obvious for any type of employee, but you want to make sure their goals are something you can easily track. If they have to hit a certain number of calls, talk time, finish projects on a deadline, etc., having a dashboard or spreadsheet where you can track their progress will make your life easier.


  7. Keep open communication throughout the day

    In person, employees can go to a coworker’s desk or office if they have a question. For remote employees, they need to have an easy way to ask for help. Having an online chat, keeping open hours for employees to give you a call, giving them your cell number, etc., can make sure they can get the help they need throughout their day.

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