What Personalities Are You Looking For?

What Personalities Are You Looking For?

By: Kellie Lail Before you can begin to decide what personality types you are looking for, you must know exactly what role you need to fill in your agency. Every agency has a little bit different idea of what responsibilities fall under a certain job title, so make...
Managing Someone with High Thorough and Compliance

Managing Someone with High Thorough and Compliance

By: Mara Miller When it comes to your team’s success, your role as their manager is vital. Business goals, priorities, training, communication, and understanding of each individual’s different personalities all play a part in creating a solid team. To make that...
Managing Someone with Low Thorough/Compliant

Managing Someone with Low Thorough/Compliant

By Mara Miller When it comes to your team’s success, your role as their manager is vital. Business goals, priorities, training, communication, and understanding of each individual’s different personalities all play a part in creating a solid team. To make...
Managing Someone with Low Motivation/Drive

Managing Someone with Low Motivation/Drive

By Mara Miller Good managers will always know how to keep their employees motivated and engaged. By understanding their team, managers can push them to their full potential without making them feel micromanaged. As their manager, you will get better results by...
Managing Someone with High Motivation/Drive

Managing Someone with High Motivation/Drive

By Mara Miller Great managers understand their employees’ different personalities and know what motivates them – manage people in ways they can thrive. The IdealTraits assessment helps you understand the personality traits of your teams. By building a team...
Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills

By Eric Waldowski When it’s time to add staff, we all have certain criteria for education, time spent with prior experience, and certifications or licensing requirements. Advertising these requirements and identifying them in your potential hires is a major part...
Managing Someone with Low Structured/Routine

Managing Someone with Low Structured/Routine

By Mara Miller Effective managers understand their employees’ unique personalities and know what motivates them. It’s important to know what motivates different employee personalities. The IdealTraits assessment assists you in understanding the personality...
Managing Someone with High Structure/Routine

Managing Someone with High Structure/Routine

By Mara Miller When it comes to your team’s success, your role as their manager is vital. Business goals, priorities, training, communication, and understanding of each individual’s different personalities all play a part in creating a solid team. To make that...