
Complete Hiring Solution for Independent Agents

Everything you need to hire for your insurance agency. Maximum job posting exposure, streamlined candidate tracking, precise assessments and one-way interviewing.

We are proud to be a trusted Big "I" Illinois partner.


Insurance agencies get more candidates by leveraging IdealTraits job distribution network. Post to top job boards like Indeed, ZipRecruiter and more.


Collaborate with your team in real-time. Organize your candidates in a hiring pipeline. Automate routine recruiting tasks and even send out digital offer letters.


Tested and valid assessments. Personality, cognitive and video assessments ensure you find candidates that are skilled and a perfect fit for your team’s culture.


Insurance agencies complete the pre-screening interview process up to 75% faster with one-way video interviews, saving valuable time for both employers and candidates.


Get more candidates with Job Posting

Broadcast your jobs to all of the leading job boards like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Google, LinkedIn, Talent.com and more. Use our optimized AI job builder or select templates to build and distribute your jobs easily.


Get more candidates with Job Posting

Broadcast your jobs to all of the leading job boards like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Google, LinkedIn, Talent.com and more. Use our optimized AI job builder or select templates to build and distribute your jobs easily.


Collaborate, organize and automate your candidates

Collaborate with your team in real-time. Organize your candidates in a hiring pipeline. Automate routine recruiting tasks.


Predict job performance with assessments

Tested and valid assessments. Personality, cognitive and video assessments ensure you find candidates who are not only skilled but also a perfect fit for your team’s culture and values.


Screen candidates faster with video interviews

Complete your pre-screening interview process up to 75% faster, saving valuable time for both employers and candidates.

More features and integrations to help you hire better, faster.

Text Recruiting

Engage candidates faster with text recruiting

Say hello to quicker candidate replies. Communicate with candidates through text in a smooth, compliant, and captivating way, enhancing candidate engagement and increasing your speed to hire.


AI recruiting tools that turbo-charge recruiting

Streamline your recruiting with cutting-edge AI technology. Use built in AI recruiting tools including the AI Job Description Builder and AI Resume Reading.

Career Page

Showcase your company’s job openings

Show off your company’s unique personality with a fully customized career page. From your company’s logo to its color scheme, create a career page that resonates with your brand.


Live chat, email or phone support

Live chat connects you with dedicated hiring consultants, ensuring real-time answers to your questions. Our support team provides unparalleled support on your journey to ideal hires.

Exclusive pricing & access levels for members of Big "I" Illinois:

Big "I" Limited Package

Post to your Illinois state job board today at no cost.

Post jobs to your state job board with Big “I” Hires, utilize optimized, insurance-specific job templates, a branded career page, and organize your recruiting process at no cost. Your Big “I” Limited account will never expire.

Big "I" Limited Package

Post to your Illinois state job board today at no cost.

Post jobs to your state job board with Big “I” Hires, utilize optimized, insurance-specific job templates, a branded career page, and organize your recruiting process at no cost. Your Big “I” Limited account will never expire.

Big "I" Full Access

Annual Plan

$999 / 12 months

Maximize your candidate reach by utilizing IdealTraits’ job distribution network to post to your state job board and over 100 top job boards with a single click, including Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and all your social media sites. Enjoy all the features of the Big “I” Limited package, plus access to our full suite of advanced features listed above.

Big "I" Full Access

Quarterly Plan

$499 / 3 months

Maximize your candidate reach by utilizing IdealTraits’ job distribution network to post to your state job board and over 100 top job boards with a single click, including Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and all your social media sites. Enjoy all the features of the Big “I” Limited package, plus access to our full suite of advanced features listed above.

Big "I" Full Access

Annual Plan

$999 / 12 months

Maximize your candidate reach by utilizing IdealTraits’ job distribution network to post to your state job board and over 100 top job boards with a single click, including Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and all your social media sites. Enjoy all the features of the Big “I” Limited package, plus access to our full suite of advanced features listed above.

Big "I" Full Access

Quarterly Plan

$499 / 3 months

Maximize your candidate reach by utilizing IdealTraits’ job distribution network to post to your state job board and over 100 top job boards with a single click, including Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and all your social media sites. Enjoy all the features of the Big “I” Limited package, plus access to our full suite of advanced features listed above.

IdealTraits by the numbers

Businesses Using IdealTraits

Candidates Delivered


Exceed your agency hiring goals with IdealTraits today.

*New* Insurance Staff ROI Calculator

Generate a detailed, comprehensive report outlining the financial impact of hiring a new producer.